COVID-19 Status Updates

March 25th, 2020 from Toastmasters International

The deadline for submission of the ALS / DTM under the legacy program has been extended. See the announcement:

Toastmasters International continues to provide current updates on COVID-19 and how that impacts district and club operations.

Questions and Answers

Should clubs continue to meet in person?

In March 2020, the World Headquarters issued a global directive that all Toastmaster clubs should until June 1, 2020, suspend conducting meetings in person because of the impact of the pandemic. This directive has since been updated with a recommendation that clubs continue to observe the health protocols put in place by their local authorities.  For District 99, this means observing the protocols put in place in Northern Alberta and Northern Saskatchewan.

While meeting gathering restrictions are now being lifted gradually, it is still a common concern for some who do not feel comfortable yet to meet in person. It is for this reason that the district leadership team recommends that clubs begin to look at a hybrid model starting in September where in-person meetings are conducted in a space that observes the health protocols while extending such meeting experience to their online audience.  Online meetings may continue to the option for most clubs meetings over the summer in July and August.

We have published resources here to help you get up and running. There are several online clubs around the world. We can continue to benefit from their experience and use it to enhance our club meeting experience during and after this time of crisis.

How long do we operate in an online mode?

No telling how long. Toastmasters International initially provided guidance until June 1st, 2020. This has since been updated with a recommendation that clubs continue to observe the health protocols that are in effect in their local region. The International Convention that was originally slated for Paris in August is now being conducted online.

Virtual Meetings

A virtual meeting means having all your members attend a meeting from remote locations. Some clubs employ a hybrid model where some members are remote. But, given the current situation, we will focus on the fully virtual meeting.

What you will need is the following:

  1. A platform that allows club members to share video/voice/content for enough people to facilitate everyone attending (20+ people).
  2. Members need a device compatible with the platform that supports video/voice sharing. Typically Windows 10, macOS, Android and iOS devices provide that support.
  3. Members need a good Internet connection. Online conferencing requires a good internet connection. If you don’t have an adequate connection, then the video will be poor quality and sound will also be affected.

Below is a webinar provided by one of the Online clubs in District 47 that will explain how they do virtual meetings. There are also helpful online meeting resources and tools published by Toastmasters International to help your club achieve virtual victories.


Online meeting tools are out there. There are several different platforms. The key is to pick one that suits your situation. Below are a couple popular options. We will add more as they become available.


Cisco Webex is an option which has recently upgraded their free account to allow up to 100 participants and no limit on meetings. If you feel you need the more advanced features you will find this to be a pricy upgrade. However, the free account should give you everything your club needs. Webex allows sharing of voice, video and content. You can find WebEx at


The most popular for Toastmasters clubs seems to be Zoom. You can find more information about Zoom at The platform will result in a cost of approximately $20 CAN / month ($240 / year). If your club is used to paying for meeting rooms, this is probably a pittance compared to typical meeting room fees. If you want to try it out, you can have up to a 40 minute meeting without paying any fees.


The district uses Microsoft Teams which is part of Microsoft Office 365. This option includes Microsoft Teams which is Microsoft’s answer for providing online collaboration (including meetings). The bonus is that this option provides a place to store files and instant messaging for use by the members. This option has worked for one club where one of the members was a subscriber to Office 365 Business Essentials which costs about $80 CAN per year. You only need one license and you can set up meetings which everyone can attend.

Hangouts (Paid Edition)

Google G Suite Users have access to an edition of Hangouts that can support a much larger number of users. There is a cost for this service. But the basic service is very reasonably priced at about $100 / year.

Free Options

There are a number of other popular, free options, but they tend come with certain limitations.

If you know of any options that has worked for your club, please feel free to leave your comments below and we will update the page to reflect these other options.

Club Checklist

Your club needs to do a few things to continue to function in the current situation:

  • Contact your members to let them know what is going on.

  • Select an option for conducting meetings (see right column).

  • Update Toastmasters International – Club Central to show that your meeting venue has changed.

  • Update your web site so people know where you are meeting.

  • Update any other social media (Facebook, twitter, meetup, etc.) to let people know where you are meeting.

  • Make sure no member is left behind. This may be challenging for some of your members, but it can also be a growth experience for them as well.

  • Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!

Pursuers: One Clubs Story

Edmonton: March 21st, 2020

When the news of the effects of the pandemic hit the news last week, we knew we needed to act. The executive of the Pursuers club sprung into action. Luckily, they had a tech savvy member who could quickly respond.

The club held it’s first virtual meeting on March 18th with 12 members attending. The first meeting was a bit rough around the edges, but the club managed to make it through and had many of the traditional elements: a business meeting chaired by our president, an educational on using the virtual meeting space, a speech by a member from the Pathways program, table topics, evaluations, quiz master, thought of the day, and time for members to comment on what they thought of the new venue.

Interestingly, several members saw the plus side of virtual meetings. For example, it cuts out the commute time to / from the meeting. Another thought was that it would be cheaper since there was no meeting room cost. At Pursuers, the members buy dinner at the restaurant where they meet. Now, they can relax and eat in the comfort of their homes.

This venue also posed an opportunity for a member of the club that lives in Calgary to pop in and attend the meetings. So, while this is a drastic change, it also poses a great opportunity. Maybe some of our members that dropped out because of the time commitment may be convinced to come back. You never know until you try.

Pursuers used Microsoft Teams which was provided by one of the members who already had a subscription. The members were invited to be guests of a “team” created for the club. This team gives the club a place to meet, chat and exchange files securely.

For information on how the platform was constructed, reach out to Glenn Walker DTM at

Online Club Listing

Register your club at this link.

This is a list of clubs that have indicated they are meeting online.
TitleClub NumberMeeting Day / TimeMeeting InstructionsContact PersonContact EmailContact Phone NumberClub Web Site
Pursuers Toastmasters Club6901Wednesday / 7:00 PMContact us and we will send you the link. We are using Microsoft Teams for our meetings. Attendance instructions will be sent to people who inquire.

We welcome all guests to our meetings.

Join us at the best place to be on a Wednesday night.
Glenn Walker780-964-3808
TNT Toastmasters2291Every Tuesday/7-9 p.m.We use Zoom for the meetings and will send the link upon request.Cheryl
GP Lunchrappers 6540Wednesday / 12:10pmZoom will be used, meeting ID will be issued Tuesday
Telecommunicators Toastmasters2158Wednesday @ 12.00 (noon) - 1PMPlease follow instructions on our website:
Michael Navrotsky/Jim Guloien / 780-417-0741
Excell-Orators Toastmasters Club80901st Thursday of the Month at 6:30 PMExcell-Orators is an advanced Toastmasters Club. Members must either have achieved a Competent Communicator under legacy program or Level 2 in any Pathways path. Contact us and we will send you the link to our meetings.Glenn Walker780-457-0808
Forward Thinkers8364Wednesdays 7 - 9 PMGo to our website for connection information.Jim Guloien780-417-0741
Prairie Schooners Toastmasters Club6372Wednesdays / 12:05pm SK timeWe are using Microsoft Teams, the link to join is on our Prairie Schooners webpage Klinger or Sara Popoff or
Evergreen Toastmasters 2897Tuesday/7:30 pmWe send notice to members through our club website. The instructions and link are included in the email. Zoom is the platform used for online meeting. First one was last night March 24; it worked very well.Janet Russell
TM4PM TOASTMASTERS 1022113610pm TuesdaysMeeting invite link
A note to join 10 mins before
Additional instructions on special settings to select when they join option to view all meeting attendees at once.
Richard Mattis 587 968 3096
Aimcrier4966Wednesday 7pmZoom link attached to our toasthost websiteKrystal Swimmer780-802-2991
Prince Albert Toastmasters 1318Monday 7:00 pm except holidays A link will be sent the night before with the meeting informationEileen Zurakowski306-960-2680
Melfort Toastmasters7730542Thursdays 7pm SKRSVP to our meeting on our facebook page, email, or text/call us for access to our Zoom meeting! It will be the same link for all future online meetings. Laurel Korbo or Keith Lee306-529-3672
Sunrise Toastmasters6359Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 AMPlease contact VP Education Buzz Brown at if you are interested in gaining access to our weekly ZOOM meetings.Buzz Brown
Seven Seas Toastmasters3296Wednesdays at noonEmail Brenda or message us on our website or Facebook page and we will provide a Zoom link. All guests are welcome anytime!Brenda Sandoval
New Entrepreneurs Toastmasters Club4291Thursdays 6:10 PM-7:45 PMPlease download Zoom to your computer or mobile device. Please allow Zoom to access your camera if you plan to deliver a speech. Flavio Siqueira780-297-2378
Fort Saskatchewan Toastmasters Club40234621st and 3rd Thursday of the month 7:30pm to 8:30 pmMembers and guests are invited to join via Microsoft Teams. The meeting link is on our website.April Kliachuk
CUatNoon7341Wed - NoonIt is a Zoom conference, contact the President for Zoom Meeting ID.Kimmee Fischer
Sundowners Toastmasters Club3826Monday - 7:30 - 9:30 pmWe are using 8x8 platform. It works better on Google Chrome. No download is necessary. Please send an email to get the meeting link.Wilson Souza780-934-0199
Innovative Communicators958725Wednesday / 5:15pmFrom our website, visitors are directed to contact VPM or PVE; Members receive a weekly invite to a virtual meeting via email.VPE< Ricardo Flores Mir, VP Membership: Arlene McDonnell / 780 937 7409
Peace Challengers6772Tuesday eveningsYou will get an email from the club with information about how to join each weekKathy Archer
Power Speakers Toastmasters3650Wednesdays 7 pm to 8:45 pmMembers of Power speakers Toastmasters are committed to keep the momentum. We feel that the impact of this Corona virus is going to change the way we communicate. We will see more virtual training's, educations, meetings, seminars' etc. It is important that we develop these skills along with other skills we practice every week at our meetings. Until we can start our regular in-person meetings, we are we have started online virtual meetings from April 1st, 2020. We believe that online meetings will be fun as well as it will provide tools to practice new skills. After evaluating few options, we have signed up for Webex.Jignesh Gadhia
Confidence Builders4699Every Wednesday/12:00 pm to 1:00 pmCheck our Facebook Page
Arjun Chowdhury780-885-9872
Friendly Achievers Toastmasters Club1371326Sunday at 1:30 pm MSTWe use Zoom for our online meetings. We have about 20 members who definitely can provide opportunities for those who would like to speak. We are a group of friendly toastmasters who are committed in helping out each other. The trend nowadays is more towards on line interview, check us out and get practiced on your on-line interview skils. Estella Mah, VP-Membership 780-554-2999
Go Pro Speaker Toastmasters6935129Second Tuesday of each month / 18:30Please mute your microphone upon meeting entry if not done so automaticallyBlaine Zuk
Articulate Edmontonian Toastmasters Club19358Fridays @ NoonMeeting is 12:05 - 12:55 every Friday.
All / any guests welcome, please reach out to us if you would like to attend and we will send you the zoom link.
Rowan Shields
Saskatoon Prairie Thinkers Toastmasters Club616550Thursday at 7pmThe link is posted on our club website.Oarabile Kgosisejo306-341-3082
Battlefords Toastmasters 1512Wednesday 7:00 p.m. To participate send your email address to by the preceding Tuesday. ReRena Weikle
Wild Rose Advanced Toastmasters5374last Thursday of the Month / 6:30-8:00The Zoom link will be in the meeting Evite and on our Web pageJohn Lam 780-945-1904
Woodland Communicators3599411Tuesday 7 - 8:30 pmIf you wish to attend our meeting send us an email and we will ensure to send you the link. Hope you can join us.Brenda Georget 306-940-8910
Millwoods Vocabulaires 4383Thursday 7:00 pmZoom Meeting check or for more information. Eileen Szakacs
WEBA Toastmasters5710Wednesday 12:00 noonUsing Zoom for virtual meetingsAlex Bandjak or Ron Heck780-913-0963
WE Toastmasters44061st and 3rd Wednesday at 5pmEmail for meeting link.Tanya Turner
Drayton Valley Derrick Toastmasters Club6538Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month/ 7PM-9PMEvery 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month/ 7PM-9PMVon Eric
City Lights6053Saturdays, 9:30-11:15 am. 9:15 meeting 'open'Please visit
For meeting links and updates. We never meet on long weekends.
Julianna Barabas587-999-3123
Central AB Skytalkers27381081st & 3rd Thurs 7:30 pmE-mail to register and receive a google meet linkCindy Heidecker587-219-0337Skyralkers.toastmastersclubs.ieg
CN Tower Toastmasters 7346209Monday / 12:00 pmChris Schwarz780-224-0354
Wetaskiwin Toastmasters6703666Monday, 7:00 pmWe meet using zoom send an email to Carol Ashton780-360-2655
Camrose Toastmasters1432Wednesday, 7:00 pmAll members and guests are invited to attend online. Text Joan at 780-781-9927 for the link. Joan Petruk780-781-9927
Edmonton Advanced Toastmasters Cliub17423rd Thursday monthly/ 7 pmPlease Call Jenafor Andel, Jenafor Andel780-239-3555
Leduc Blackgold Toastmasters 27517:00 PM Tuesday Email Ron Thompson at (r n thompson)Ron Thompson (r n thompson)(780) 986-8349Https//
Lakeland Toastmaster6793978Wed/ 7:00 pmPlease email Liz to get any info and on how to log
Everyone welcome.
Liz von Kanel780 884 1154
Wood Buffalo Toastmasters Club9220Tuesday evenings from 7PM to 8PMTo attend an upcoming online meeting, please send us an email at
We meet using Zoom. Microphone and webcam are required.
Jennifer Wardle, Club President
Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters29953611st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pmPlease email or phone at least a day before the meeting to receive a meeting link to join us. All guests are welcome.Cherry Cheung780-966-9139
Saskatoon Toastmasters4502nd and 4th Friday of each month from 7:00PM to 9:00PM (CST, -6 UTC)Follow the meeting link on our club website: Loeffler(306) 717-8358
City Lights 6053Saturdays/9:30 amPlease arrive by 9:15 to our Zoom meeting in order to test and get your audio and video working. Julianna Barabas 587 999 3123
Fabulous Facilitators6436Tuesday 7:00 pm MSTThe club is currently booked for meeting virtually until the end of August 2020Peter Helten 780-554-3514
Club Bilingue d'Edmonton652Tuesdays/7:00 pmWe meet by virtual online using ZOOMWillard Robitaille(780) 667-6105
Athabasca Landing9386Wednesday 7:30 PM Please contact Doug Kariel for informationDoug Kariel . 780-675-5099 (home) 780-689-9072 (cell)
Fun Speakers Toastmasters Club3146Monday/7:15 p.m. We strongly encourage members and guests to connect at 7:00 p.m. for audio and visual checks and to confirm roles and introducations. Please check club website for program themes and special events.Patricia Rijavec780-433-1289
Oxbridge Orators Toastmasters Club323Wednesdays , 12:05 pm - 12:55 pmPlease visit our website for Zoom login information. All are welcome. Kashyap, VP Education
Brain Injury and Stroke (BIS) Toastmasters Club42063951st and 3rd Thursday 1:00 to 2:30 pmPlease Please send your name/email address to club president listed below, and the host of virtual ZOOM will invite you via email.
WillarWillard Robitaille, DTM (780) 667-6105
Southen Lights Toastmasters3684Wednesday Evenings 6:30 p.m.Please log in through link in zoom about 15 minutes before 6:30 so we can meet you and you can ensure your connection is working well.Michelle St. Louis,
Northern Lights Toastmasters489Saturday, 1:15 PMPlease contact us through our club website for the Zoom link and more information about our clubShiran Thambugala
Edmonton Advanced Toastmasters17423rd Thursday each month, 7-9:00 PMPlease contact us through our club website for the link to our Zoom meetingsMarg Faryna
Core Development1339804First 3 Tuesdays of month/0800Welcome present and past members, guests and the world. We are a friendly Club enjoying "a delicious glass of lemonade during a lemon type of time". Come join us, learn and experience a different type of public speaking and meet up with some old and new friends. We are using a Zoom link and suggest you arrive at 0745 to get settled to start sharp at 0800 and ending at 0900.Ken Mark780 721
Spiritual Living Toastmasters13991202nd and 4th Thursday of the Month at 7:00 p.m. MTTo join our meeting, please send your request to .Jenafor Andel780-451-4237
W.E.44061st & 3rd Wednesday each month 5-6:30 pmSo far we are using Zoom. see our website or Facebook pagePenny Nilsen306-241-4880
Capital Communicators15962nd and 4th week of the month. 12pm-1pmemail me at for google meeting invite. Anders
Norwood284Thursday / 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.Email us at or via the website submission form for the Zoom link.Greg Laskey780-902-4605(c)
Brownlee's Best Toastmasters3423Tuesdays 12:05pm - 1:00pmContact us at Lynell
Attitude Boosters Club7022Tuesdays at noonContact us and we will send you the meeting link. VP of Membership (Perry)
Northern Welcome Toastmasters Club9842Second and fourth Monday/6:15-8:00 pmContact club secretary for detailsMargaret Plunz, DTM(306) 425-3407
Toast at Twelve Toastmasters851346Thursday at 12:05p.m. Check our website for information on how to connect or send an email and we will provide the information.Patricia Rijavec780-433-1289
Golden Mountain Toastmasters8641st and 3rd Thursday of the month / 7pmCall or send an email to Harry Paynter Harry Paynter780-432-2496
Let's Talk Toastmasters Club36921037:30PM MondaysWe have the meeting link on our home page. Once you have connected with the link, please be patient while we let you into the meeting room.Neil Lindstrom
Money Talkers Toastmasters Club71284412:05 PM, WednesdayOur club will be meeting online to maintain physical distancing measures and accommodate work-from-home club members. Guests and perspective members are welcome to participate.

Please email our club for an invitation to attend our meeting via web-conference.
Yolanda Han, Club President
Campus Howlers7536Wednesday / 5 PMIf you would like to attend our meeting you can e-mail us at ( ) and we will send you a meeting invite. We are meeting using the WebEx platform. You don't need to have a subscription or pay for anything. We do however suggest that you download the WebEx app, as that provides the best connection. You will need internet access and a device to connect. Hope you can visit us!Sarah Parker, Club President
Eloquent Albertans Toastmaster Club6110Thursdays 12:00 pmJoin us at Meeting ID: 458 290 255
. Please contact us if you plan to attend as a guest.
If you can't join audio through Zoom, the Edmonton area teleconference number is 587-328-1099
Dan McCosh780 983-9912
Upward Bound Toastmasters 6395Wednesday 7:00 pmJoin us at Meeting ID: 897 7714 7611
.If you can't join audio through Zoom, the Edmonton area teleconference number is 587-328-1099 or find your local number at
For quick Zoom Video Tutorials, check out
Dan McCosh780 983-9912
Dynamic Toastmasters7792Friday, 2:00 pmContact Club President Tao Jin for meeting details. We use Webex Tao Jin780 281-8390
Latino Canadian Entrepreneurs4472443Second and Fourth Monday of the month. At 6:45 p.m.Please, send us your email, and we will provide the Zoom meeting invitation. Everybody welcome!Marta Munoz(780) 243-7347
Towering Talkers6059865Bi-weekly on Thursday's from 12:00-1:00 PM Please email for the zoom calendar link. Nicole Williams 780-965-2030
Bowmen Club2161Tuesdays - 7PMHello! We have moved our meetings online and conduct them via zoom. Not only is it a great way to continue to practice your public speaking skills but it is a great way to connect with people. If you are feeling curious, we would love to have you as a guest for a complimentary meeting.Rutuja Kadam (preferred)
Sunrise6359Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 AMConnect to for Zoom meeting instructions.Buzz Brown403 601 7993
Pipe-Up Toastmasters Club737481Every Thursday (except holiday), 12:00 pm to 1:00 pmPlease send us an e-mail if you like to attend in the meeting as a guest.Haider Alahi587-337-5529
Northern Welcome Toastmasters Club 9842Second and Fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 pm Contact Margaret Plunz, SecretaryMargaret Plunz306 425-3407
Fabulous Facilitators 6436Tuesday / 7 pmContact us via club website at for link to visitPeter Helten780-477-1839