There will be a Special District Council Meeting on June 1 at 10:00 a.m. to approve the District Alignment recommendations (Agenda and alignment proposal can be found at the link provided to the right).

Registration to vote is required for the meeting You can register at  DEC Registration Link (District Executive, Division and Area Directors) / Club Officer Registration Link (Presidents and VP Educations)   Click on the link and it will open in your browser.

You should register once for each club you represent. The following examples apply:

  • You are the president or vp education of a club and will be carrying both votes.
    Register once using the Club Officer Registration link and indicate you will be carrying both votes. The other officer should not register as both votes will go to the person indicating they are carrying both votes.
  • You are a president or vp education of two different clubs and will be carrying only 1 vote from each.
    Register for both clubs using the Club Officer Registration Link and indicate you will only be carrying your vote.
  • You are a member of the District Executive Committee (District Executive, Division and Area Directors)
    Register using the DEC Registration Link and indicate your position. If you also carry club votes see the first two scenarios.
    Keep in mind that DEC members can carry at most 3 votes. So, plan accordingly.

A quorum consists of one-third of all eligible Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education. A majority of the votes cast is required to pass a motion. In the event that any business is transacted at a District Council meeting when a quorum is not present, the action shall be deemed as valid as if a quorum were present if it is thereafter expressly approved. Approval can be granted by affirmative vote of a majority of the Member Clubs in the District on the basis of two (2) votes per club via the District’s electronic voting platform.

Proxies for District Council meetings are not permitted. The Club President and/or Vice President Education of any member club may vote on behalf of the club as its representative. Either club officer may carry the club’s two (2) votes or each of these club officers may carry one (1) vote, as determined by the club membership.

The representative from any Member Club in good standing is entitled to a maximum of two (2) votes. District Executive Committee members are entitled to one (1) vote and may cast up to two (2) additional votes as a Club President and/or Vice President Education.

The zoom link to the meeting is Special District Council Meeting Zoom Link  Password to enter meeting is 339195.  You may also phone in at 587 328 1099 and use ID 858 2583 7610

Ballots will be send via email to the email address provided during registration.

Dan McCosh DTM

District Director 2023-2024
District 99
Toastmasters International

Mobile : 780 983-9912

Email  :


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Vote results available at this link.

The vote to adopt the alignment committee recommendations passed with 65 votes in favor and 6 opposed.