Take Your Leadership to the Next Level
Your next step as a D99 leader starts NOW!
The Call for Nominations for Officers to serve District 99 for 2025-2026 is now OPEN!
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Get ready to level up your leadership game at the Toastmasters Leadership Summit and Information Session on the evening of Tuesday, February 4, 2025! Are you ready to discover exciting leadership opportunities? This is your chance to take your skills to the next level and explore the impactful world of District Leadership. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow!
Event Information: Toastmasters Leadership Summit and Information Session
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Why YOU? Because you have the potential to not only inspire others but also to completely transform your leadership trajectory by becoming a D99 Trio Member or Division Director in Toastmasters. This is your chance to go from good to GREAT!
It’s my pleasure to call for nominations for Toastmasters to serve as Officers in District 99 for the year July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026. Call for Nominations: January 1 to March 29, 2025
We need a team of dedicated leaders to enhance the quality and performance of clubs within District 99 and to confidently continue taking District 99 into the future of continent-wide alignment that will be effective July 1, 2026. We need your help in finding them! Do you know of people who are interested in serving the District or you know should stop being the best-kept secret about what they can contribute to the growth and viability of our District? They should indicate their interest or you should forward their information to the District Leadership Committee (DLC).
In preparing to nominate candidates to serve our District, I would encourage you to consider the qualities we seek in our leaders:
- Demonstrates a clear vision to the purpose of Toastmasters
- Communicates effectively with people
- Creates and motivates a team with a common purpose
- Dedicates themselves and their time throughout the year
- Recognizes success and actively mentors others
- Has a good working knowledge of Toastmasters’ programs and policies
- Is an inspiring role model for others
The District is actively seeking people interested in filling these positions for the 2025-26 program year. If you are curious about a specific position or the process, reach out to me or one of our members of the District Leadership Committee. We’d be happy to chat with you and answer any questions as we seek to nominate a strong selection of candidates for each Officer position. Help us identify and nominate our best leaders, who will take us forward into our next year of serving D99 members. If you know of someone that you think would be a great Officer candidate for one of these positions, please encourage them to submit their name or contact us and let us know so we can follow up. We’d love to hear from you!
Nominations are invited for the following positions to be elected at our Annual Business Meeting of the District Council in May 2025
- District Director
- Program Quality Director
- Club Growth Director (two candidates minimum)
- Division Directors for Divisions A – E
Nominations are also invited for the following positions that are appointed by the elected District Director for the term July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026:
- Administrative Manager
- Finance Manager
- Public Relations Manager
- Area Directors (19 positions)
- Logistics & Awards Recognition Manager
- Training Coordinators
- Content Creators – Website, Social Media
- Committee Chairs – Club Growth, Club Coaching
Here’s Why You Must Apply:
- Unparalleled leadership experience – lead teams, manage large-scale initiatives, and shape District 99’s future
- Master the art of influence – learn how to motivate, inspire, and create change at every level
- Become a leader people look up to – you’ll be setting the example for hundreds of members
- Opportunities like this don’t come often. Will you step up and claim your place among our leaders? Apply before time runs out – your moment is NOW.
- Don’t wait – explore your options TODAY!
How do you nominate yourself or someone else?
- Check the minimum qualification requirements for the position (see below) and ensure the person you are nominating meets those requirements, before you submit the nomination forms. It’s ok to nominate yourself!
- Check that the nominee is willing to accept the nomination
- Nominees interested in standing for election are asked to review the District Leadership Handbook and complete a Candidate Application and Officer Agreement and Release Form and send it to or one of our DLC members on or before the deadline of March 29, 2025.
- Each candidate will provide a photo and profile for District use prior to the Annual Business Meeting of the District Council.
- Submit forms to the DLC at
Notes about Nominations
- Any District 99 Toastmaster may nominate a qualified District 99 Toastmaster for an Officer position. Both the nominee and the person nominating must be members in good standing of a club in good standing in District 99
- All Officer positions for 2025-2026 term listed above are open for nominations. There is no fixed line of succession nor is there an automatic, guaranteed progression from one office to another
- Candidate interviews will be scheduled and conducted by the District Leadership Committee.
- Election for the 2025-2026 term will take place at the Annual Business Meeting of the District Council in May 2025
- Current Area Directors are in the best position to help identify qualified potential successors as Area Directors. Please do NOT promise any candidate that they will be appointed. Only the incoming District Director can appoint incoming Area Directors.
- Identifying all elected and appointed Officer positions early contributes to the success of next year’s team.
Nomination Eligibility: The District Leadership Committee must verify that Officer candidates meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in the District Administrative Bylaws. All Officer candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- At the time of taking office (July 1, 2025)
- District Director must have served at least six (6) consecutive months as Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Division Director, or a combination of these.
- Program Quality Director and Club Growth Director must have served at least six (6) consecutive months as Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, a Club Growth Director, a Division Director, an Area Director, or a combination of these.
- Division Director must have served at least six (6) consecutive months as a member of a District Council.
Please send all nominations by email to: or one of our DLC members before nominations close on March 29, 2025 at 11:59pm MT.
District Leadership Committee (DLC) Members 2024-2025
NOW is the time to nominate all candidates, ready and able to lead us, including you!
Thank you on behalf of D99
Bob Hooey DTM, PDG, PRA, AS, District Leadership Committee Chair
(cell) 780 707-0189 or (Hm) 780 736-0009
Toastmasters International Descriptions of Roles:
Comprehensive list of competencies for each role: Leadership Competencies Summary
Download and fill in the following forms:
- Candidate Application
- Officer Agreement and Release Statement
- Send all submissions by e-mail to the District Leadership Committee Chair at
Reference: Elections Tool Kit on TI Website: https://www.toastmasters.org/membership/leadership/district-leader-tools/district-management/elections-toolkit
Protocol 9.0: District campaigns and elections: https://www.toastmasters.org/Membership/Leadership/governing-documents/#Protocol90DistrictCampaignsandElections580
Who is an Area Director?
Serving as a District Officer is a requirement to achieving the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award for the Pathways educational program. The elected positions listed to the left, as well as the Area Director positions, qualify when served for a full one-year term.
Consider moving beyond your club to take on the role of Area Director.
The Area Director is the direct liaison between the District and the clubs and is responsible for leading the area by serving the needs of the clubs.
- They must first know the needs of the club by conducting club visits (at least twice a year) and organising Area Council meetings (at least twice a year).
- The Area Director motivates and assists the clubs to become Distinguished and is responsible for holding Area Speech Contests.
- The Area Director receives support from their Division Director through mentoring and attending Division Council meetings (at least twice a year) as well as District sponsored training events throughout the year, and monthly All Leaders Calls.
- Area Directors report progress of their Area clubs to the District leaders through reports presented at Division Council Meetings and Area Director Visit reports submitted through Toastmasters International.