Unlike the other of the year awards, a club does not nominate for President of the Year. Instead, if the club has met minimum requirements, the District will contact the club and ask for testimonials to support their president.

These are the criteria


To recognize and honour a member of District 99 who has demonstrated truly

exceptional leadership while serving as club president.


Any member who has served a full term (either six months or 12 months) as club

president during the preceding calendar year, provided his or her club meets the

following criteria ( items A to E) ) for the year ending the previous June 30 and as

President does not fall into one of the categories of F) or G):

  1. Achieved at least minimum Distinguished Club Program (DCP) requirements,
  2. Submitted semi-annual report and dues, which were received at World Headquarters

by October 1 and April 1;

  1. Submitted the new Club Officer List to World Headquarters by June 30 at the end of

his/her term of office (as recorded on the following year’s DCP report);

  1. Was represented by voting delegate(s) at the two District Council meetings (one at

the Fall Conference and the other at the Spring Convention) as recorded in the district

Credentials Book;

  1. Was represented by a voting delegate or proxy at the Toastmasters International

Annual Business meeting; and,

  1. for clubs electing annually, the President is not serving a successive full term1 in

office; or,

  1. for clubs electing semi-annually, the President is not serving a second or more

successive full term in office.


Nominations must be received by the Division Director by September 15th of the

following Toastmaster year. (e.g. If the member’s term as President ended on either

December 31 or June 30, the nomination must be in by September 15.)

3.7.5 Procedure

  1. A. The Chairman of the Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall send a

copy of the President of the Year Form as published on the District 99 website to the past and current club executive, except for the President to be nominated, on record of all eligible clubs, by August 15.

  1. To nominate its Past President for this award, the club completes the Nomination

Form, attaches the necessary documentation and ensures it is delivered to the

Division Director not later than September 15.

  1. The Division Director, along with such other members of the present and previous

division executive team as deemed appropriate, will review each eligible submission

and select a Division Club President of the year. The Division shall announce its

recipient at the division fall speech contest.

  1. The Division Director shall forward the club’s Nomination Form and documentation

of the division recipient to the chairman of the Past District Governors and

Directors Committee not later than September 30. The Division Director will

include a one-page endorsement supporting the nomination.

  1. The Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall select one district

recipient who will be recognized at the District 99 Fall Conference as the Club

President of the Year

President of the Year