Below we have compiled some great testimonials about joining Toastmasters, sorted by categories of why people join, you will read some amazing stories that will surely inspire.

I have been a member of Beaumont Toastmasters since 2001. Toastmasters has been an excellent tool for leadership, public speaking, and overall confidence and I have highly recommended it for 17 years. Many of my employees have been or are current Toastmasters and they have all felt the positive effects this organization lends to their overall professional development.

I joined Toastmasters 11 years ago because I was shy and my company needed people who could speak. Today, I learn about leadership – mentoring and teaching: It’s amazing to watch someone who could barely say their name when they first joined a club, get up and give their first speech.

Toastmasters has afforded me the opportunity to hone my public speaking and leadership skills. My spheres of influence has greatly increased as a result!

I would never have found out about public speaking or even pursued it if Toastmasters wasn’t such a welcoming and resource-rich organization. Toastmasters not only enhanced my speaking skills but also my leadership skills. The club I’m in offers a lot of leadership opportunities for its members to step up on, like running for an executive role or being in a directorship.

I’m from China and I joined Toastmasters to improve my English, which is now improving because of it. I was not able to open my mouth to speak a sentence when I first arrived. I have since given my first speech and am attending toastmasters weekly – and seldom miss a meeting!

I joined to learn how to organize my speech. Today, I’m in Toastmasters to get a message out – I’m a disability advocate and Toastmasters is a conduit to reach a group of people who would not normally hear this message.

I became a Toastmaster to influence, mentor and encourage family members who I love.

The University of Alberta’s Department of Surgery is ranked 6th in the world for transplantation. My Toastmasters training and experience poured into its Communications Strategic Plan – everything I’d learned about leadership and communication.

Being under 18, I can’t join Toastmasters, so I’m a guest with speaking rights. I visit different clubs and Toastmasters are very friendly and their speeches are great fun.

No one could have been more scared or intimidated by public speaking as I was. Having decided to join and apply the learning, I’ve gained the confidence and skill to take my message and ideas to the professional stage. Trust me, if I can do, there’s nothing holding you back!

Last night I was inducted as the newest member of the WE Toastmasters through a traditional ceremony that had a profound and immediate impact on me. Hearing Don outline what I was committing to, gave me a sense of responsibility, not only to myself, but to the members of the group surrounding me, and to the larger organization. Then came the surprising part, the members of the group standing and affirming their personal and professional commitment to my progress and success. I was overwhelmed with a sense of belonging, gratitude, and an indescribable surge of momentum to continue and achieve, not only for myself, but to honor each of those in my club.
Less than a year into my membership and I can already feel the results – I no longer mumble or speak too fast while giving instruction, and my confidence is through the roof, so I have become a better leader.