District 99 Spring Conference
Heading Into The Next Century
Stay Tuned For More Information
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Get Involved!
Volunteers give freely of their time and expertise in order to make a difference.
Why Volunteer? Benefits!
- Meet new people
- Make important networking connections
- Learn or develop new skills
- Build self-esteem and self-confidence
- Make a difference in another Toastmaster’s life
- To express gratitude for help you may have received in the past from other Toastmasters
- Be a part of a team
- Create lifetime memories
- Use lessons learned at Toastmaster meetings
Can you volunteer for more than one duty? Definitely!!
You may volunteer for as many duties as fit your schedule. That includes pre-conference committee work and what you have time for during the conference.
Volunteer Opportunities
Meal Greeters
- Meal Greeter activities are under the direction of the Volunteer Coordinator
- Put out the programs for each meal.
- Check name badges at the door to see who has paid for all meals and who needs a special ticket for a particular meal. No badge – no ticket………no meal!
- Be friendly and smiling.
- Help latecomers find a seat.
- Control doors during speeches and keynotes.
- Keep hallway noise to a minimum.
- Find time to eat!
Contest Greeters
- Contest Greeter activities are under the direction of the Volunteer Coordinator
- Check name badges at the door to see who has paid for the contest
- Unpaid attendees should be directed to the Registration Desk.
- Be friendly and smiling.
- Help people find a seat.
- Keep hallway noise to a minimum.
Registration Table/General Hosts
- Registration Table activities are under the direction of the Registration Coordinator
- Hand out packages
- Answer questions
- Relay messages
- Know where to find someone who might know the answer
- Just like a host in your own home
- Say hello, shake hands
- Answer questions
- Give extra assistance to those who need it
Host/Hostess at each table at each meal
- Works with the Volunteer Coordinator
- Be the official “Conference” host at the table
- Make introductions
- Keep the conversation going. (Not hard with Toastmasters.)
- Answer questions
- Works with the Hospitality Coordinator
- Helps the committee coordinator put up the planned decorations.
- Better yet – be on the committee to help plan and make the decorations.
Sergeant of Arms for each Educational session
- Be sure session starts on time
- Distribute handouts and evaluation forms
- Introduce Toastmaster
- Enough seating for everyone – or limit number who try to enter room
- Announcements if needed to end session
- Collect evaluation forms
- Leave room in condition for next event
Toastmaster for each Educational session
- Assist the SAA in getting the session going
- Double check with the speaker that they have all the equipment, supplies needed
- Introduce the speaker
- Thank the speaker and present gift