Volunteer Positions
- Committees (District Director dd@d99tm.org)
- As needed.
- Education (Program Quality Director pqd@d99tm.org)
- Club Officer Training – members willing to help out with training our club officers.
- Plenary Sessions – members willing to deliver plenary sessions at COT or other events.
- Virtual Meeting Coordinator – members who are good with Zoom and can help run virtual / hybrid meetings using Zoom or Teams.
- Chief Judge – member willing to serve as chief judge for district contests.
- Contest Chair – member willing to serve as contest chair for district contests.
- Club Growth (Club Growth Director cgd@d99tm.org)
- Club Maintenance – member willing to work with clubs to help them build and maintain membership.
- Coaches – members willing to work with a club to help them rebuild.
- Club Extension – member willing to work
- Sponsors – members willing to develop a new club.
- Mentors – members willing to stay with a new club to help it get off the ground and learn how to operate successfully.
- Club Maintenance – member willing to work with clubs to help them build and maintain membership.
- Public Relations (Public Relations Manager prm@d99tm.org)
- Authors – members willing to help with writing public relations articles.
- Social Media Subject Matter Experts – members who know social media and can work with the Public Relations Manager
- Webmaster – members willing and able to work with the District’s web site to support other teams in publishing information for public consumption.
- Support (Chief Digital Officer chiefdigitalofficer@d99tm.org)
- Support Team – members with knowledge and experience with platforms used by District 99 that can provide support for our platforms (i.e. Microsoft 365).
- Trainers – members with knowledge and experience that can train other members of district teams how to use technology platforms such as Microsoft 365.
- Technical Writes – members with knowledge and experience that can document the use of technology platforms such as Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, etc.
Reach out to roles identified for more information on volunteer opportunities.
Got time to dedicate to help the District achieve its mission?
We build new clubs and help all clubs achieve excellence!
The district relies on volunteers to help us succeed. We need volunteers in a number of areas.