District, Division and Area Asset Management
All physical assets at the District, Division and Area levels are considered as assets of District 99. Assets shall be those as necessary to deliver the Toastmasters program, and are held for the benefit of the operation of the District
District officers are discouraged from acquiring physical assets over and above educational materials, and items necessary to conduct meetings, contests and conferences
The District shall maintain an inventory list of assets. This list shall include existing assets, assets acquired during the year (purchased or donated). This inventory list shall identify, at a minimum:
- Description of the asset.
- Quantity
- Who has the asset, and
- Where the asset is located
At the end of the District Year, the District shall:
- Ensure the list is updated.
- Provide a copy of the list to the incoming District Administration Manager.
- Arrange smooth transition of the assets to the next administration.
The District Administration Manager or person designated by the District Director shall retain such records, and ensure the list is up to date at the end of their term.