District Executive Committee (DEC)

To facilitate the role of the executive committee, as defined in Article XI (a) of the District Administrative Bylaws and Protocol 7.1, 4) D) of the Policy and Protocol document of Toastmasters International, the following is prescribed:

The executive committee shall, as set out in Toastmaster International Policy, meet not less than four (4) times each year; two (2) of the meetings to be held in conjunction with the spring conference and the fall council meeting, respectively.

District Leadership Committee

The District Leadership Committee shall be established and operate as per District 99 District Leadership Committee Handbook and the Policy and Protocol document of Toastmasters International.

Past District Governors and Directors Committee

The Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall consist of members in good standing of Toastmasters International who are either a Past District 99 Director or, if a Past District Director or Governor  from a District other than District 99, who resides in and is a member of a Club in good standing in District 99.

  • The Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall meet at the Fall Conference and the Spring Convention and at any other time as required. Meetings outside of the Fall Conference and the Spring Convention may be called by the Past District Governors and Directors Committee Chairman or Secretary.
  • The Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall elect a Chairman and a Secretary from its members at the Spring Convention each year.
  • Quorum for meetings of the Past District Governors and Directors Committee shall be those in attendance at the meeting.

District Conference/Convention Rotation Committee

  • This Committee shall consist of at least four members from around the District, and a minimum of two shall be from outside of the centers of Edmonton and Saskatoon.
  • This Committee shall decide on the general location at least three years in advance and make this recommendation to the District Executive Committee for the Mid-Winter Training for review and recommendation to District Council.
  • This Committees’ report, with the recommendation of the District Executive Committee, shall be taken to the Annual District Council Meeting for approval.