***New Training Dates Added for July***
District 99 is once again hosting role-focused Club Officer Training (COT) sessions for peers to connect and learn together in Round One COT.
COT is a great way to get ideas to plan for club success and connect with fellow club executives.
Please mark your calendars and spread this news to your TM friends – training is offered from June to August.
PQD Von Eric Tandoc has planned the following training sessions (all sessions are 7 to 9 PM MDT):
  • President – June 18
  • VP Education – June 13
  • VP Membership – June 17
  • VP Public Relations – June 26
  • Secretary – June 19
  • Treasurer – June 14
  • Sergeant-At-Arms – June 27


  • President – July 16
  • VP Education – July 11
  • VP Membership – July 15
  • VP Public Relations – July 30
  • Secretary – July 17
  • Treasurer – July 10
  • Sergeant-At-Arms – July 12


  • President – August 23 (Glenn Walker)

  • VP Education – August 8 (Violet Wallace)

  • VPM – August 27 ( Marg Faryna)

  • VPPR. – August 7 ( Tanya Turner)

  • Sec. – August 20 (Renee Redekopp)

  • Treasurer – August 22 ( Laurel Korbo)

  • SAA. – August 21 ( Rhys Davies)

Note: Watch this post for future training dates for members who hold multiple Club Officer Roles.
Let’s start strong, plan for success, and make it happen!